15 OCTOBER 2014
09 AUGUST2002
We, the alumni of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) worldwide, on whose behalf this Constitution is signed:
Being grateful for the privilege of having shared in that institution's ideals;
Mindful of the enrichment and opportunities brought to our lives through our association with the University;
Being aware of the significant role that Alumni Association has to play in the growth and development of the University;
Having regard to advantages to be derived from the effective and continuous exchange of information and co-ordination of activities in the field of higher education especially as regards Science, Technology, and Innovation; and
Recognizing that the creation of an Alumni Association anywhere in the world would best serve these purposes;
Do hereby constitute ourselves as KNUST Alumni Association and pledge to continue to support KNUST and ALL CHAPTERS of KNUST Alumni Associations worldwide through giving of our time, talents and resources.
The name of the Association shall be the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) Alumni Association, hereinafter referred to as the Association (KNUST Alumni).
The global headquarters of the Association (Secretariat) shall be at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Kumasi (herein after referred to as the University) and that it shall be ran by a full time and paid staff.
The aims and objectives of the Association shall be:
- To promote the welfare of the University and establish a mutually beneficial relationship between the University and its alumni;
- To act as an effective link between the public and the University;
- To establish a medium by which members offer meaningful contributions and assistance towards the progress of their alma mater,
- To establish and promote academic and social brotherhood among its members as well as the staff and students of the University through the organization of symposia, lectures, seminars and other social activities, and
- To establish and maintain a central fund from which assistance to the University including special research grants and bursaries to students and alumni could be awarded.
- To mobilize the full strength of alumni community in support of the educational programs of KNUST consistent with its mission
Membership of the Association shall be opened to:
- All Graduates, Diploma and Certificate holders of the University, predecessor and affiliated institutions as listed and recognized by the University;
- All other past students of institutions as listed in (a) above, deemed eligible by the Chapter Council for membership and ratified by Congress.
There shall be five (5) categories of membership
- a. Full Member (otherwise known as TEKNOKRAT):
I. A member of the Association as defined in Article 4 of this Constitution and who have paid all dues and levies in accordance with Article 17 (a) of this Constitution.
II. A full member shall have voting rights and be eligible to be elected to an office of the Association, subject to provisions stipulated in Article 16.
- b. Fellow:
Full member of the Association who has made exceptional contribution to the Association or the University or to humanity may be made a Fellow of the Association by Congress upon the recommendation of the Global Executive Committee.
- c. Honorary Member:
i. Congress, upon the recommendation of the Global Executive Committee, may make an individual who is not a past student, an honorary member of the Association, if, in the opinion of Global Executive Committee, such an individual has made significant contribution to the Association or to the University.
ii. Honorary members shall not be eligible for election and shall have no voting rights.
- d. Associate Member:
i. A full member’s spouse shall be made an Associate, upon application by the member to his / her Chapter and upon recommendation by the chapter.
ii. Associate Members shall not be eligible for election and shall have no voting rights.
e. Corporate Member
Any Institution which has made exceptional contribution to the Association or the University may be made a Corporate Member of the Association by Congress upon the recommendation of the Global Executive Committee.
f. Institutional Chief Alumna/us
The Global Executive Committee, with the approval or ratification of Congress, may confer the title of Institutional Chief Alumna/us on a member who is a Chief Executive Officer or similar in a public or private institution or industry and has used his position to further the course of the Association. This appointment requires the individual to promote membership and other alumni activities within his/her organization.
The following shall constitute the organizational units of the Association
- Congress
- Global Governing Council
- Global Executive Committee (Elected at Congress)
- Global Alumni Secretariat
- Council
- Executive Committee
- a. NAME:
There shall be a Congress of the Association, hereinafter called Congress.
Congress shall be opened to all members of the Association, and shall be the highest decision making body.
Congress shall meet once every two (2) years in the month of April / May, or as may be decided by the Global Executive Committee. At least an eight (8) week notice of such meeting shall be given to ALL Chapters.
- d. QUORUM:
Any fifty (50) full members of the Association (including the President or Vice President, General Secretary or Assistant General Secretary, and the Treasurer) representing at least five (5) of the Chapters shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business of Congress.
Shall be by simple majority of members present and voting and shall be binding on all members of the Association.
- f. VENUE:
The Biennial Congress shall rotate from Chapter to Chapter as may be determined by Global Executive Committee or Congress.
Congress agenda shall include but not limited to:
i. Discussing Reports of the Global Executive Committee and Various Chapter Councils
ii. Discussing Global Treasurer's audited accounts, and the appointment of Auditors
iii. Election of Global Officers of the Association, and
iv. Discussing business transactions tabled by the Global Executive Committee
i. A Special or extraordinary meeting of Congress may be summoned at any time as may be decided by Congress, the Global Executive Committee or at the request in writing of not less than fifty (50) members of good standing of the Association of whom five (5) each shall come from at Least six (6) of the Chapters, which shall furnish Global Executive Committee with the agenda for such meeting.
ii. In the event of such request for a special or extraordinary meeting of Congress being made, the Global General Secretary shall convene a special meeting of Congress within fourteen (14) days of the receipt of the request, specifying in the Notice of such a meeting the matters to be considered.
iii. The QUORUM for special or extraordinary meetings shall be the same as for the Congress.
iv. Final decisions of Special and Extraordinary Congress shall not SUPERSEDE decisions made by Congress stated in Article 7(e). Rather, such decisions shall be complemented by Article 7(b) of this Constitution.
v. All applicants to the request for the special and / or extraordinary congress as stipulated in (i) above shall constitute the minimal quorum without fail, otherwise, the session shall be considered null and void.
There shall be a Global Governing Council of the Association.
Membership shall comprise the following:
i. All currently elected Global Officers, as stated in Article 14 of this Constitution.
ii. Immediate Past Global Presidents and Secretaries,
iii. All current and Immediate Past Chapter Presidents and Secretaries,
iv. Current and Immediate Past Vice- Chancellors
v. Current Presidents and Secretaries of all Hall-based Alumni Associations
vi. Current Presidents and Secretaries of Professional Association with much Teknokrat membership
vii. Other distinguished Teknokrats as invited by Global Executive Committee.
The Global Governing Council shall meet at least once a year at a venue to be determined by the Global Governing Council at its previous meeting, the calendar for such a meeting being published at least six (6) months in advance.
The Quorum shall be one third (1/3) of the total membership
i. The CHAIRMAN of the Global Governing Council shall be elected by members.
ii. The CHAIRMAN shall hold office for one term of two (2) years.
iii. The CHAIRMAN shall be eligible for re-election to same office for another consecutive term
iv. The CHAIRMAN shall not be elected to more than two terms as Chairman.
- e. ROLE:
The ROLE of the Global Governing Council shall be purely ADVISORY to the Alumni Association.
The Global Executive Committee of the Association shall, in the performance of its duties, have powers to direct, regulate and / or give effect to the following in accordance with the aim and objectives of the Association;
- To enter into, or discharge contracts in the course of the management of the affairs of the Association
- To be responsible for the finances of the Association and to take or adopt such measures as would ensure that all monies due to the Association are properly recorded and promptly received
- To prepare a Code of Conduct to regulate the general conduct of the Chapters of the Association and to ensure the enforcement of the same and discourage any breaches thereof in conformity with the Constitution of the Association
- To maintain, in collaboration with the University, a service bureau to handle Alumni matters on both undergraduate and postgraduate courses, grants, and studentships;
- To encourage Representatives of all Professional Bodies and Associations or Hall Based Alumni Associations on COUNCIL to serve as liaisons and communication links between the Association & their Associations
- To ensure that Executive Director liaises between the University and the Association.
- To ensure that all Alumni (i.e. global, national, chapters, groups, individuals) dealings with the university shall be channeled through the Global Executive Committee.
- To make interim appointment(s) to fill any vacancy or vacancies that may occur on the Association before the next Congress; and
- To act generally in all other matters concerning or affecting the Association and its members and to exercise such powers as are, or may be conferred on it by Congress.
There shall be a Global Alumni Secretariat located at KNUST and manned by a full time and paid staff.
Executive Director (ED)
- The Executive Director (ED) shall be the Chief Operations Officer (COO) of the Alumni Secretariat.
- The ED shall be appointed by the Global Executive Committee.
- The ED shall be accountable, and report to the Global Executive Committee through the Global President
- The ED shall be in charge of all operations at the Secretariat
- The ED shall employ, with the approval of the Global Executive Committee personnel to help manage the daily affairs of the Secretariat
- The ED shall prepare annual operating budget and submit for approval by the Global Committee at least three (3) months before the beginning of the fiscal year.
- A Chapter of the Association may be formed or established anywhere in the world with the approval of the Global Executive Committee and ratified by Congress.
- A Chapter of the Association shall be subject to this Global Constitution and may make bye-laws or regulations for its efficient running.
- No provision of such bye-laws or regulations of a Chapter of the Association shall be inconsistent with any provision of this Constitution.
- Where any provision of such bye laws or regulations of a Chapter of the Association is inconsistent with any provisions in this Constitution, the former shall be null and void to the extent of the inconsistency, and also to the extent allowed by the international jurisdiction within which that chapter operates.
- Chapters reserve the right to create smaller units / cells to facilitate the efficient organization of the chapter.
All Chapters shall have Councils.
i. The Officers of the Chapters, as stated in Article 14 of this Constitution;
ii. The President and Secretary of each Unit / cell within the Chapter of the Association.
iii. Presidents or Secretaries, and one (1) other representative who satisfies Article 4 (a) of this Constitution of all Professional Bodies and Associations with much Teknokrat presence in the Chapter locality.
iv. In the event where the President and / or the Secretary are not a Teknokrats, then the Professional Body / Association shall be required to nominate Teknokrats within the Professional Body / Association to replace them.
v. Presidents or Secretaries, and one (1) other representative of all KNUST Hall-based Alumni Associations in the Chapter locality.
i. Frequency: The Chapter Council shall meet at least four (4) times in a year
ii. Location of such meetings may rotate from Unit/Cell to Unit/Cell of the Chapter
iii. Quorum: The Quorum shall be one-third (1/3) of the total membership including the President or Vice President, the General Secretary and or the Assistant General Secretary, and representation from at least 40% of units/cells.
The Council shall, in the performance of its duties, have powers to direct, regulate and give effect to the following in accordance with Association aims and objectives;
- To enter into, or discharge contracts in the course of the management of the affairs of the Chapter.
- To be responsible for the finances of the Chapter and to take or adopt such measures as would ensure that all monies due to the Chapter are properly recorded and promptly received.
- To liaise with the Global Executive Committee in all dealings with the University.
The officers of the association shall constitute the Executive Committee of the Association and shall be responsible particularly for the fund raising effort of the Association in addition to all other activities.
- The officers of the Association shall consist of the following:
i. President
ii. Vice President
iii. General Secretary
iv. Assistant General Secretary
v. Treasurer
vi. Executive Members, not exceeding four (4), including at least one non-Ghana resident in the case of Global Executive Committee, and
vii. The Immediate Past President (Ex-Officio member)
- Global Executive Officers shall have GLOBAL prefixing their titles.
- Chapter Executive Officers shall have CHAPTER prefixing their titles.
- Other jurisdictional Executive Officers shall have corresponding prefixes to their titles.
- The President (P)
i. The President of the Association shall preside at all meetings and other gatherings of the Association.
ii. The President shall perform any other function(s) as may be necessary for the due execution of the duties conferred on him by the Congress or Council as the case may be, by virtue of this Constitution.
iii. The Global President shall, ipso facto, be the representative of the Association on the University Council, and shall be the main spokesperson of the Association at all public functions.
iv. In the event that other regulation(s) prevent the Global President from representing the Association on the University Council, the Global Executive Committee shall appoint a replacement who shall be a member of the Global Executive committee.
- Vice President (VP)
The Vice President shall perform the functions of the President in the absence of the President.
- c. General Secretary (GS)
i. The Global General Secretary (GGS) shall be the Secretary to Congress.
ii. The General Secretary (GS) shall be the Secretary to Council and shall keep record of all the proceedings of the Association.
iii. The General Secretary shall keep inventory of all property of the Association.
iv. The General Secretary shall perform any other function(s) as may be necessary for the due execution of the duties conferred on him/her by Congress or Council by virtue of this Constitution.
- d. Assistant General Secretary (AGS)
i. The Assistant General Secretary (AGS) shall perform the functions of the General Secretary in the absence of the General Secretary.
ii. The AGS shall take minutes of all meetings of the Association.
- e. Treasurer (T)
i. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the financial administration of the Association.
ii. The Treasurer shall keep record of all receipts and expenditures of the Association and give a financial report to Congress or as may be requested by Council
- f. Four (4) Executive Members (EM)
Four (4) Executive Committee Members, at least one of whom shall be resident outside Ghana as in the case of Global Executive Committee and shall be assigned specific portfolios by the President as agreed by the Executive Committee
- g. Immediate Past President
The immediate past President shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee.
- Election: The election of officers
i. Shall be by a simple majority
ii. Shall take place at the Congress of the Association in the case of Global Officers, or at a meeting convened for the purpose in the case of chapter, cell or unit elections.
iii. Those elected shall assume office immediately thereafter.
- Term of Office: The Officers of the Association shall
i. Hold office for one term of two (2) years.
ii. Be eligible for re-election to same office for another consecutive term
iii. not be elected to more than two terms in the same office
- Electoral Commissioner: Elections shall be conducted under the supervision of an Electoral Commissioner (EC) appointed by the Executive Committee of the Association at least six (6) months to congress.
- Nominations:
i. The EC shall invite nominations to contest available offices at least two (2) months to Congress.
ii. Nominations shall remain opened till the day of Congress.
iii. In addition to provisions of Art. 5 (a) nominees for any position must be endorsed by 2 Executives of the Global Executive Committee or his / her Chapter including the Global President / Chapter President.
iv. Where the President is a nominee himself / herself, then any two executive officers can endorse his / her nomination.
- e. Eligibility for Global Executive Office:
Notwithstanding the provisions of Art. 5 (a ii), a full member shall be eligible to contest a Global Executive position if the member has served on a council, or on any committee of the Association or in an elected position at Chapter level for at least one year.
- a. The finances of the Association shall be derived from membership dues, levies, donations, collections, bequeathals, and any other subscriptions or sources as may be determined by the Global Executive Committee and approved or ratified by Congress
- b. The Association shall keep Bank Account(s)
- c. The Association's Bank Account(s) shall be operated jointly by the President, the General Secretary and the Treasurer, any two (2) of whom, including the President, shall be signatories to the Account(s)
- d. The Accounts of the Association shall be audited at the end of every accounting year as determined by the Global executive Committee
- e. The finances of the Association shall be applied solely in a manner prescribed by The Global Executive Committee with approval or ratification by Congress, and no portion thereof shall be paid, transferred either directly or indirectly by way of dividends, bonuses or profits to any person or persons whatsoever.
- f. To facilitate the provision (a) above, the Association shall register as a non-governmental organization with the Registrar General’s Department and the Ministry responsible for Social Welfare.
- Global Executive Committee with the approval of Congress may acquire such property, both real and personal, as may be necessary for the due functioning or operation of the Association.
- Global Executive Committee Council shall have custody of all the property of the Association, and shall apply or dispose of same solely in a manner as prescribed or may be prescribed by Congress.
- Any proposal to amend this Constitution shall be included in the Notice convening the Congress.
- Any proposals for amendment may be made either by the Global Executive Committee / Chapter Councils or by the Chapters, or any of them.
- Any proposal(s) for amendment emanating from the Chapters or any of them shall be supported by at least three (3) of the Chapters and shall be submitted in writing to the Global General Secretary at least ten (10) weeks before Congress of the Association for study by Global Executive Committee
- Any such amendment(s) may be adopted with or without modification by a vote of not less than SEVENTY-FIVE per cent (75%) of those present at Congress and voting.
This Constitution came into effect from the 9th day of August 2002 after it has been ratified by Congress and signed by Kwame Saarah-Mensah as National President and Seth Opuni Asiama as General Secretary.
This Reviewed Constitution is in effect from the thirteenth (13th) day of December, 2014 after adoption by Congress and duly signed by the persons currently holding the offices of the National President and National General Secretary.
(Anthony Foli Danklu) (Eunice Akosua Ofosua Amoako)